Befriend your Body

Embody your Spirit

Discover the ways you are totally unique


More Ease & Less Anxiety. Satisfying Relationships. Creative Power.
No matter where you are in your life
– whether you’re a soaring entrepreneur or an executive in a rut, a student revving up to save the planet
or stay-at-home mom with an identity crisis, an urban shaman wandering or well established –
you need to consciously cultivate your EMOTIONAL CAPACITY,
Welcome to Embodied Life with Tamara Romaniuk
Here you will find information and dates of my offers, including:
in-person and online workshops
individual somatic counselling
and art in motion events
all based on:
with a deeper understanding of the body’s relationship with social, environmental, developmental, relational, spiritual, and cultural wounding and healing.
Healing is never complete until we have been truly heard.
May the universe send you someone who will sincerely care to listen.
- Anthon St. Maarten
Here I am. Always towards the light
My work is based on three overlapping domains: somatic practice, mindfulness, and expressive arts. I offer a holistic framework for understanding and healing trauma and attachment wounds from a body-centered perspective.
Body intelligence plays a large role in my work. It is an often untapped resource in personal development and psychotherapy,
yet the story told through “somatic narrative” – gestures, posture, prosody, facial expression, gaze, and movement- is sometimes more meaningful than a story told in words.
What is unspoken but preserved with our bodies is as important as the dialogue and contact dynamics during a session with me.
For who this work is?
For so many of us
For those who believe that inner peace is possible, and for those who are given to consider that.
For curious hearts and sensitive bodies that sense that a satisfying and joyful life is possible.
For those of us in pain - from the deep place of sorrow to the potential of transformation.
Contact me for a FREE consultation
In order to discuss what you might be needing and how can I help.
Art in Motion
Creativity is a force of our nature, as natural as breathing. We each possess a license to create that is irrevocable. It points us towards our essential nature, which is vast, unique, and universal.
Have a look at the short video clip with me - Why movement and expressive art practice matter.

What I heard from many of you
"What a relief to change from recurring silent (but noisy) spirals of thought - and change to lines of physical movement that move the air around and in me" - Ann Stools, Berlin
"It was amazing to be part of the workshop, it has filled me with so much love and peace. Hope our paths will cross again" - Laura Gromme, Dublin
An interview with me on Polish Public radio
How come it's so hard for us to be ourselves sometimes? What is a real authentic relationship? What is Open Floor about? I answer these and other questions in the interview in Polish Public Radio - Czwórka.
Connect with me
Get my photos, playlists & other inspirations straight to your mailbox.